

  • 六年级英语下册暑假作业试题
  • 外研版六年级英语下册期末测试题及答案
  • 人教版六年级英语下册期末测试题及答案
  • 人教版六年级英语试卷及答案
  • 六年级英语下册第二单元测试题及答案
  • 小学六年级下学期英语期末考试试题
  • 六年级英语下册期末测试卷及答案
  • 小学英语六年级下册期末试题及答案
  • 2022年上海六年级下册英语试卷哪个好
  • 六年级下册英语试卷


  我们已给本学期划上一个圆满的句号,又迎来了丰富多彩的暑假生活。为大家提供了 PEP六年级英语下册暑假作业试题 ,供大家参考。







































  20xx 年六年级英语暑假作业全部答案


















































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  我们精心为广大小学生朋友们准备的 PEP六年级英语下册暑假作业试题 ,希望可以作为大家课后练习和考前复习的参考资料!

  转眼间你们又度过了一学期,可以回家轻轻松松的`享受暑假了,但是请同学们在度假的同时也不要忘了学习,为大家提供了 PEP六年级英语下册暑假作业检测试题 ,供大家参考。












































  ( ) 1. A. open B. look C. sit D. nice

  ( ) 2. A. England B. Chinese C. China D.US

  ( ) 3. A.flute B. guitar C. hot dog D. drum

  ( ) 4. A.pen B. pencil C. book D.watermelon

  ( ) 5. A.sunny B. warm C. windy D. duck


  1.middle school___________ 2.make a mistake____________

  3.all over the world___________ 4.ride a bike_____________

  5.fly away___________ 6.举行野餐______________

  7.小心_______________ 8.棒球帽_______________

  9.说汉语_______________ 10.在太空中_______________

  三、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式 (10分)

  (1)watch(过去式)________ (2)go(过去式)________

  (3)see(过去式)__________ (4)sing(过去式)________

  (5)spend(过去式)_______ (6)teach(单三式)_______

  (7)make(现在分词)_____ (8)swim(现在分词)___________

  (9)fly(过去式)_________ (10)do(第三人称单数形式)__


  ( )1.We’re looking ____ some ducks.

  A. in B. at C. near

  ( )2.She’s ____ her homework.

  A. do B. did C. doing

  ( )3. The ____ are playing in the park.

  A. child B. childs C. children

  ( )4. Look! The boys are walking ____ the blackboard. .

  A. to B. up C. in

  ( )5.Who ____ help me. Sorry, I can’t.

  A. can B. can’t C. should

  ( )6. How are you, Mike? You look so________.

  It’s raining outside. I can’t play football.

  A. happy B. excited C. sad

  ( )7. Helen Keller______ born in America.

  A. was B. were C. is D. are

  ( )8.Did you ______ pictures yesterday?

  A. take B. took C. taking

  ( )9. I_______ my room and watched TV .

  A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning

  ( )10. The ducks ________ in the water .

  A. is swimming B. are swiming. C. are swimming

  ( )11.当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说

  A.Thank you very much. B.Sorry. C.Goodbye.

  ( )12.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:

  A.How much is a hot dog? B. Here you are. C. C.How much is a hamburger?

  ( )13.今天是小明的生日,你会对他说:

  A.Happy New Year! B.Happy Chirstmas! C.Happy Birthday!

  ( )14.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说:

  A. Can I help you ? B. Who can help me? C. I can help you.

  ( ) 15、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:________

  A、How long are you ? B、How tall are you ? C、How large are you ?

  ( )16、We’re going to ---------Chinese.

  A. speaking B. speak C. speaks D. making

  ( )17、 A dog _______ under that tree.

  A. sleeping B, is sleeping C, sleep

  ( ) 18、 I want _______ some tea ,please .

  A. to drink B. drink C. drinking

  ( ) 19、As a baby, Helen couldn’t see hear.

  A. and B. or C. but

  ( ) 20、How much is it ? It is ______.

  A, thirteen dollar and one cents.

  B. thirteen dollars and one cents.

  C. thirteen dollars and one cent.


  1.What do you want____________(eat)?

  2.It’s 4:00 now. Let’s____________(go)home.

  3.We______________________(buy) some delicious food tomorrow. What about you?

  4.Look!The birds____________(sing) in the tree.

  5.They are too heavy. I can’t___________(carry)them all.

  6.My mother_________(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year.

  7.He saw his father in space and he _____(be)very proud of him.

  8、I_____________(eat) an ice cream last night.

  9.They __________(come)to the airport to meet their friend, Tom next Monday.

  10.He sometimes_________(read) a book about famous people.


  A.Hi B. It’s twenty yuan. C. A cola, please.

  D.Thank you. E. Yes, we have.

  Cashier: Hello. Can I help you?

  Tom: __________. Have you got a hot dog?

  Cashier: __________.

  Tom: Good. A hot dog, please.

  Cashier: What do you want to drink?

  Tom: __________. How much is it?.

  Cashier: __________.

  Tom: Here you are.

  Cashier: __________.Enjoy your meal!


  ( ) 1. Does she teach maths? A. I am 160 cm tall.

  ( ) 2. How tall are you? B. I feel tired.

  ( ) 3. How do you feel? C. I went to Xinjiang by bus.

  ( ) 4. What did you do last weekend? D. Yes, she does.

  ( ) 5. When is your birthday? E. I visited my grandpa.

  ( ) 6. What day is it today? F. It’s Wednesday.

  ( ) 7. Where did you go yesterday? G. It’s on January 1st.

  ( ) 8. Is she playing the violin now? H. Come in, please.

  ( ) 9. May I come in? I. I went to Shanghai

  ( ) 10. How did you go home yesterday? J. Yes, she is.

  八、 连词成句(5分)

  1.are these ducks hungry very(.)

  2.his riding he’s but bike it’s rain to starting (,)(.)

  3.of his proud him son was very (.)

  4.carry bag this heavy will Daming (.)

  5.I you book bought this (.)


  1、She’s ___________(买东西) for your birthday.

  2、It’s a book about______________________ (太空旅行).

  3、It’s for ______________________________(打棒球).

  4、The boy is _________________________(吹小号).

  5、They are _________________________(吃野餐).

  6、The apples are _________________(跌落) the stairs.

  7、He also _____________(制作了一个视频) in space.

  8、It’s easy to ______________(犯错误)with English .

  9、We’re going to ______________ (告别)to our primary school.

  10、It’s going to s_________ in Harbin.


  It is on Sunday morning. The sun is shining. We have no classes. We are playing in the park. Some girls are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some boys are climbing the hill. Tom is drawing by the lake. Mike and John are swimming in the lake. Where are Betty and Mary? They are sitting under a small tree. They are reading a picture book. We are very happy.

  ( )1.What’s the weather like today?

  A. It’s Sunday. B. It’s fine. C. It’s raining.

  ( )2.Where are they playing?

  A. In the park. B. On the hill. C. In the lake.

  ( )3.Who is climbing the hill?

  A. Some girls. B. Some boys. C. Some teachers.

  ( )4.Where are Betty and Mary?

  A. They are on the tree. B. They are under the tree.

  C. They are in the lake.

  ( )5.What are Betty and Mary doing?

  A. They are reading a picture book.

  B. They are dancing.

  C. They are playing.
  一、1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D (每小题1分)

  二、1.中学 2.犯错误 3.全世界 4.骑自行车 5.飞走 6.have a picnic

  7.be careful 8.baseball cap 9.speak Chinese 10.in the sky (每小题1分)

  三、1.watched 2.went 3.saw 4.sang 5.spent 6.teaches 7.making 8.swimming 9.flew 10.does (每小题1分)


  五、 1.to eat 2.go 3.are going to buy 4.are singing

  5.carry 6.gave 7.was 8.ate 9.will come 10.reads (每小题1分)

  六、1.A 2.E 3.C 4.B 5.D (每小题1分)

  七、1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.G 6.F 7.I 8.J 9.H 10.C (每小题1分)

  八、1.These ducks are very hungry.

  2.He’s riding his bike ,but it starts to rain.

  3.His son was very proud of him.

  4.Daming will carry this heavy bag.

  5.I bought you this book.


  九、1.buying things

  2.space travel.

  3.playing baseball

  4.playing the trumpet

  5.having a picnic

  6.falling down

  7.made a video

  8.make mistakes

  9.say goodbye


  十、5 1 3 4 2 (每小题1分)

  十一、BABBA (每小题2分)

1. 六年级英语小升初复习试卷及答案

2. 2017年六年级人教版英语毕业考测卷及答案

3. 六年级英语升学考试复习题及答案

4. 六年级英语毕业考试试题

5. 六年级英语上学期期末试卷及答案


  六年级学生要培养英语的语感就需要大声读,这样期末考试时才不会那么被动。我为六年级师生整理了人教版教材 六年级英语 下册期末考试题及参考答案,希望大家有所收获!


  一.Listen and choose(听录音,选出跟录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里)(每小题1分,共10分)

  1.( )A.taller B.tall C.doll

  2.( )A.matter B.match C.metter

  3.( )A.nose B.rose C.goes

  4.( )A.read B.red C.fat

  5.( )A.bored B.ball C.sore

  6.( )A.has B.had C.have

  7.( )A.154cm tall B.155cm tall C.153cm tall

  8.( )A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How tall are you?

  9.( ) A.I am fine. B.I am fifteen. C.I am five.

  10.( )A.He did homework.B.He did housework.C.She did homework.

  二、Listen and judge 听录音,判断 句子 或图片的是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应题号下的括号内打“√”,不相符的打“×”(每小题1分,共10分)

  1. 2 . 3. 4. 5 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  6. ( ) I went swimming yesterday.

  7. ( ) My sister is younger.

  8. ( ) You look so angry.

  9. ( ) Merry is 80cm tall.

  10.( ) Jack’s apple is smaller

  三、Listen and answer(根据你在录音中的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其前面的字母符号填在句子前面的括号里)(10分)

  ( )1、A:He’s riding a bike. B: He rowed a boat.

  C:He is swimming.

  ( )2、A: He went fishing. B: He went to shanghai.

  C. He’s going to the library.

  ( )3、A: Yes, she does. B: No, she didn’t.

  C: No, she can’t.

  ( )4、A: They went by bike. B:They feel well.

  C: They go by bus.

  ( )5、A:Yes, she’s going to go swimming.

  B:Yes, she worked at night.

  C:Yes, she failed the math test.


  1. Is John __________ pictures ? No, he_________ pictures yesterday.

  2. I’m very__________, I went ________ yesterday !

  3. Sarah has a __________, so she __________ the doctor at 8:00 this morning.

  4. My mother __________ some __________ for me last Sunday.

  5. Liu Yun __________ her grandparents last __________.

  五、Listen and judge (根据你在录音中听到的内容判断句子的对错)(10分)

  ( )1、 This is my home.

  ( )2、 Tom is my good friend.

  ( )3、 Tom is older and taller than me.

  ( )4、 Tom is stronger than me.

  ( )5、 Tom and I ofter play football together.



  ⑴ stronger ⑵ excited ⑶ pear ⑷ heavier

  ⑸ grapes ⑹ spring ⑺ bored ⑻ fall

  ⑼ ate ⑽ yellow ⑾ sang ⑿ blue

  A.tired______ _______ B.taller________ _______

  C.winter _____ _______ D. learned ______ ______

  E.red _______ ______ F.banana _______ ______


  ( )1.My ruler is ________ than yours.

  A. long B. longer C. taller

  ( )2.____is your brother? He is 26 kg. He’s very thin.

  A. How old B. How heavy C. How tall

  ( )3.Zhang Peng looks very sad.Because he _______yesterday.

  A. failed the English test. B. went to the zoo.

  C. played ping-pong with his friends.

  ( )4._______ your brother ________ TV last weekend?

  A. Did……watched B. Does……watch C. Did……watch

  ( )5.Zhao Benshan is a famous(著名的)________

  A. writer B. actress C. actor

  ( )6.What’s your favourite food?

  A. Apples. B. Noodles. C. Yellow.

  ( )7.Where did you go _________ your holiday ?

  A.in B.at C.on

  ( )8.Did you go hiking _________ your friends?

  A.and B.with C.to

  ( )9.What can you do? I can _________ songs.

  A.sing B.singing C.sang

  ( )10.想知道“今天是星期几”应该说:

  A.What’s the weather like today?

  B.What’s the date ?

  C.What day is it today?


  A:Hello, Mary. ______________________________?

  B:I went to Kunming on my holiday.


  B:It was warm.


  B:I went there by plane.


  B:I saw folk dances.

  A:Did you eat any Kunming’s snack?

  B:__________________.They’re delicious.

  A:How did you go there?

  B:What is the weather like?

  C:What was the weather like?

  D:Where did you go on your holiday?

  E:Yes, I did.

  F:No, I didn’t.

  G: What did you do there?


  Ben has a good time today. He does well in his English test. He gets an A grade. He is very happy the whole morning. There is a basketball match between Class A and his class in the afternoon. Ben scores a goal in the second half. It makes his class win 1 to 0. Ben and his classmates are so excited. They laugh and shout for a long time. When he gets back home, his throat is a little sore. And he has a bad headache after . He has to go to bed early early after eating some medicine. ( )1.Ben is good at ________ A.Chinese B.English

  ( )2.Ben is very ____the whole morning, because he gets an A grade. A.happy B.sad ( )3.Ben has a ______match with Class A. A.football B.basketball

  ( )4.Ben feels sick ______ A.in the morning B.in the evening ( )5.Ben has to ___early after eating some medicine. A.go to school B.go to bed


  ( going happy office likes taller friend younger weekend play collecting )

  Hello,I have a good ________. Her name is Lily. She is 160cm tall. She is ______ than me. But she is only 13,and I’m 14. She is _________ than me. She ________ collecting stamps. We often _________ together. This ___________,We are______ to the post _________ to buy stamps. We like _________ stamps. We are very _________.


  1. Miss Li:_________________________?

  Lily: I am 45kg.

  2. Doctor:_________________________?

  Jack: My leg hurts.

  3. Tom: _________________________?

  Jim : I went to Xinjing last weekend.

  4. Liu: _________________________?

  Chen: I like fishing yesterday.

  5. Lucy: _________________________?

  Lily: I feel bored.

  十二、John 上星期天去了哪里,在那看见了什么,干了什么事情,心情会怎样?请展开丰富的想象,写几句英语。(5分)


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  老师的责任是给学生传授知识,其次才是应试技巧,切勿被成绩欺骗,单纯的学会考试而不会知识原理是毫无意义的。 以上就是我为大家梳理归纳的知识,希望能够够帮助到大家。

   人教版 六年级英语 试卷1

  一. 找出一个划线部分的读音与其他两个不同的单词来,将其标号填入括号内。

  ( )1. A. like B. fine C. windy

  ( )2. A. cake B. match C. have

  ( )3. A. day B. year C. play

  ( )4. A. but B. us C. pupil

  ( )5. A.weather B. ready C. read

  ( )6. A. play B. please C. sea

  ( )7. A. wall B. ball C. car

  ( )8. A. cap B. wait C. make

  ( )9. A. sir B. nurse C. short

  ( )10. A. warm B. park C. star

  二. 联词组句:

  1. the weather like is what


  2. does what father your do


  3. is toy it a car


  4. are to what you going do


  5. reading I book am story a


  三. 从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语:

  A B

  ( )1. What will you do? a. He is a cook.

  ( )2. What are you doing? b. It is green.

  ( )3. What does he do? c. I’ll go sailing.

  ( )4. What colour is it? d. I am watching TV.



  二、1.What is he weather like?

  2.What does your father do?

  3.Is it a toy car?

  4.What are you going to do?

  5.I am reading a story book.




  ( ) 1.A.milkB.hamburgerC.juiceD.cola

  ( ) 2. A.ChineseB.HistoryC.schoolD.Physics

  ( ) 3. A.photoB.warmC.windyD.sunny

  ( ) 4. A.kiteB.duckC.cardD.balloon

  ( ) 5. A.teacherB.driverC.duckD.doctor


  ( ) 1.It’s going to tomorrow________ .

  A.windy B.rain C.cold

  ( ) 2.It’s raining and we are ________a tree .

  A.in B.on C.under

  ( ) 3.What do you want to eat ?

  ACola .B.Hot dog C.Water

  ( ) 4. Why are you ________?

  A.laughing B.laughs C.laugh

  ( ) 5. Helen Keller became________ .

  A.blind B.blind and deaf C.deaf

  ( ) 6. I bought you a book ________America.

  A.about B.for C.with

  ( ) 7. Now the train is coming________ the station .

  A.at B.to C.in

  ( ) 8. Russia________ the first animal into space .

  A.sending B.send C.sent

  ( ) 9. Daming is________ a birthday party .

  A.having B.have C.had

  ( ) 10. What do you want to drink ?________

  A.Cola B.Hamburger C.Hot dog


  1.are   you   what   study   to   going


  2.the   what’s   matter


  3.book   wrote   herself   about   a   she


  4.flying   are   the   balloons   away


  5.had   picnic   we   a   the   park   in





  1( B ) 2. ( C ) 3.. ( A ) 4. ( B ) 5. ( C )


  1. ( B ) 2. (C ) 3. ( B ) 4. ( A ) 5. ( B )

  6. ( A ) 7. ( B ) 8. ( B ) 9. ( A ) 10. ( A )


  1. what are you going to study ?

  2. what’s the matter?

  3. She wrote a book about herself .

  4. the balloons are flying away.

  5. We had a picnic in the park .



  1.A.hand B. gave C. map D. plan

  2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get

  3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet

  4. A. car B. father C. warm D. hard

  5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam

  二、翻译下来 短语 。(10分)

  1.全世界 the world 2.制定计划 a

  3.去 游泳 4.长城 the



  1. Your pen is newer than 。

  A. mine B. me C. her

  2. Zhuhai is than Guangzhou, I think.

  A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful

  3. I learned pictures on the computer.

  A. to draw B. draw C. drew

  4. How she go to school in the morning?

  A. is B. does C. do

  5. That is American national flag. There fifty stars on it.

  A. a, is B. an, are C. an, is

  6. What film are you going to ?

  A. see B. watch C. look

  7. Rome than Paris.

  A. are warmerB. is warmer C. is warmer

  8. My grandfather usually the flowers in the morning.

  A. watering B. is watering C. waters

  9. Listen! Xiaoling in her classroom.

  A. sings B. singing C. is singing

  10. Yesterday my parents and I our house.

  A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean

  四、按照要求改写下列 句子 。(15分)

  1. It‘s nine thirty in the morning.(对划线部分提问)


  2. The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing.(对划线部分提问)


  3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she 改写)

  4. What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答)

  5. yesterday, where, they, did, go.(连词成句)


  A: Hello, Bill. What are those in the box?

  B: 1 post cards of Beijing.

  A: You have been to Beijing many times, right?

  B: 2 。

  A: 3 。

  B: Yes, it is. And it is one of the biggest cities in China.

  A: What language do the people in China speak?

  B: 4 。

  A: Do you want to visit China?

  B: Yes, 5 。


  1. The water is very shallow.

  2. That’s terrible.

  3. At last my dad gave up.

  4. We can live wherever we like.

  5. I hand a good time in your school.

  6. How is everything?

  7. Happy to hear from you!

  8. We will wait for you here at 2:00 p.m.。

  9. Today she is very excited.

  10. You‘re never too old to learn.


  The USA is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and it’s one of the biggest cities in the world. It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island (岛),a big island in the river. New York has a large population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.

  1. The USA is the largest country in the world.

  A. second B. third C. fourth

  2. Washington DC has a population than New York.

  A. largest B. smaller C. more

  3. Washington DC is than New York.

  A. larger B. more crowed C. quieter

  4. A larger part of New York is on 。

  A. an island B. the sea C. the lake

  5. New York is one of the cities in the world.

  A. quietest B. biggest C. oldest

  八、 作文 。(10分)

  以“My best friend”为题写不少于50个词的作文。介绍他/她的姓名,年龄, 爱好 等等。


  一、B C A C D

  二、1. all over 2. make plan3. go swimming4. Great Wall5.get up

  三、1-5 ACCBB6-10 ABCCB

  四、1. What time is it?

  2. Where is the Olympic Center?

  3. She is a Chinese girl.4. I am going to be a teacher/farmer/singer.

  5. Where did they go yesterday?















  一、Listen and circle. 听音,圈出听到的单词。10%

  1. play plane plate 2. wait want what

  3. talk take tell 4. work walk wake

  5. feel fall fail 6. angry hungry hurry

  7. skate skirt shirt 8. watch water wash

  9. stop shop drop 10.seed seat said

  二、Listen and tick. 根据听到的句子,选择正确的图片。10%


  三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。10%

  ( )1. A. I’m 40kg. B. I’m 154cm. C. I’m 12.

  ( )2. A. She’s fine. B. He has a cold. C. He feels happy.

  ( )3. A. Oct. 1st . B. June 1st. C. Jan. 1st.

  ( )4. A. I’m going to Hong Kong. B. I’m going there by plane.

  C. I’m going to buy a book.

  ( )5. A. She likes watching TV. B. She watches TV every evening.

  C. She is a TV reporter.

  四、Listen and match. 听短文,连线。10%

  Wei Wei Yunnan

  Liu Xi Ningbo

  Li Ping Hangzhou

  Zheng Jing Harbin

  Wu Yifan Shanghai

  Writing Part(笔试部分)60%



  六、Read and arrange.将下列人名按照英汉字典中的先后顺序标号。5%

  Mike Mary Jack John Amy

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  七、Read and number. 拼读音标,给图标号。5%

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  八、Read and circle. 圈出不属于同类的单词。10%

  1. older younger taller other

  2. company shelf factory shop

  3. rain wind kite cloud

  4. grow dig add flower

  5. bookstore post card cinema park

  6. month week day tail

  7. tomorrow magazine dictionary newspaper

  8. subway bus vapour train

  9. visit sun read buy

  10.lamb tiger lion sprout

  Think and write. 根据要求写字母或单词。7%

  1.Canada→CAN (照例写) China→___________ 2. let us(缩写形式) ____________

  3.isn’t (完全形式) ____________ 4. swim(doing形式) ____________

  5. by (同音词) _________ 6. big (形容词比较级) ____________

  7. old (2个 反义词 ) ________

  九、Read and write. 看图,将句子补充完整。8%

  1. They go to school ________ ________.

  2. Where is the cinema? It’s ________ to the hospital.

  3. I like ________ best. Because I can ________ a snowman.

  4. I often ________ pictures on the weekends.

  5. I like ________.leaves.

  6. What is he doing? He’s ________.

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  十、Read and choose. 选择正确的答案。10%

  ( )1. Lucy is ten. Kate is nine years old. So Lucy is __________ than Kate.

  A. older B. younger C. fatter

  ( )2. They like __________ to music.

  A. listening B. listens C. listen

  ( )3. You can go to the moon by __________.

  A. car B. plane C. spaceship

  ( )4. The traffic light is yellow, you may __________.

  A. stop B. wait C. go

人教版六年级英语试卷及答案相关 文章 :

★ 人教版六年级英语下册期末测试题及答案

★ 小学六年级小升初英语测试题及答案

★ 六年级英语升学考试复习题及答案

★ 六年级英语升学考试复习练习题及答案

★ 小学六年级英语填空题练习附答案

★ 六年级英语期末模拟试题

★ 各类考试答案大全

★ 六年级英语下册复习练习题及答案

★ 小学六年级下册英语5单元试卷及答案

★ 六年级英语抽检试题


  Part I Listening 第一部分 听力


  一、 Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)(8分)

  ( ) 1. A. think B. thin C. thing

  ( ) 2. A. cold B. cool C. cloud

  ( ) 3. A. matter B. mother C. meter

  ( ) 4. A. head B. hand C. hear

  ( ) 5. A. sore B. short C. small

  ( ) 6. A. fever B. feel C. few

  ( ) 7. A. tail B. test C. tall

  ( ) 8. A. study B. sick C. stay

  二、 Listen and tick or cross.(听录音,判断正(T)误(F))。(12分)

  三、Listen and choose(听问句选择答句。)(10分) x k b 1. c o m

  ( ) 1. A. I feel sad. B. She’s angry. C. It’s blue.

  ( ) 2. A. It’s 60m. B. I’m 162cm. C. I’m 62kg.

  ( ) 3. A. OK B. Not at all. C. Welcome.

  ( ) 4. A. I’m happy. B. He’s tired. C. I have an earache.

  ( ) 5. A. I feel better. B. I’m feeling happy. C. She’s sick.

  四、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,补全句子。)(10分).

  1.What’s the _________ with you? My ______ is _______.My _______ hurts.

  2.I _________ a ___________.

  3.How ________ John feel? He is ________.

  4.How are you , Zhang Peng ?You _______ so _________.

  Part II Reading and writing 第二部分 读写


  V.Read and tick or cross.(判断划线部分发音是否相同,打“√”或“×”。) (6分)

  1. goat go ( ) 2.about coat ( ) 3.cow now ( )

  4.nose dog( ) 5.how know ( ) 6.Mouth house ( )

  VI.Read and match.(只写序号)(10分)

  ( ) 1. failed the math test A. 得了流感

  ( ) 2. get the flu B.吃点药

  ( ) 3. a football match C. 因……而发笑

  ( ) 4. stay in bed D. 数学考试不及格

  ( ) 5. laugh at E. 踢球

  ( ) 6. kick the ball F. 进行一次长途旅行

  ( ) 7. a little G. 有些

  ( ) 8. take some medicine H. 一场足球比赛

  ( ) 9. a few days I .几天

  ( ) 10. go on a big trip J. 卧床休息Look and write.

  VII.Read and choose:(选择最佳的答案。)(14分)

  ( ) 1. Chen Jie is sick.. She ___ tired.

  A. look B. looks C. likes

  ( ) 2. I ____ a earache.

  A . having B. has C. have

  ( ) 3. How are you ____?

  A. feel B. feeling C. feels

  ( ) 4.How _____Sarah feel?

  A. do B. is C. does

  ( ) 5.How _____you feel?

  A. do B. is C. does

  ( ) 6. You look sad today. –Yes, ______________.

  A. I’m going to have a party. B. I failed the Chinese test. C. I have a new T-shirt.

  ( ) 7. If you have a fever,you might have the .

  A. flu B. hurt C. stomachache

  ( ) 8.When you’re sick, you must______________.

  A. go swimming B. have a rest C. play football

  ( ) 9. How is Amy? --_______________.

  A. She is happy. B. She is at home. C. He is sad.

  ( ) 10. Is your throat sore?--_________________.

  A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, she is.

  ( ) 11. Please stay ____ bed for a few days.

  A. to B. in C. for

  ( ) 12. If you ______sick, see the doctor. A. is B. are C. am

  ( ) 13. Amy ________ very sad. What’s wrong __________her?

  A. looks, with B. look, with C. looks, to

  ( ) 14. Sarah is sick. What should she not do?

  A. Have a rest. B. Go swimming. C. Stay in bed.

  VIII.Read and choose:选择最佳答案写在横线上。(5分)

  1.________ ( What’s,Who’s ) the matter with you ?

  2.I_______ ( feel, feels,feeling) sick.

  3.My temperature(温度) is 39゜C. I have a________ ( fever, toothache.)

  4.I am very _________ ( bored, excited). I have nothing to do.

  5.How does Amy feel? She __________ ( is, are , am ) happy.

  IX..Comprehension. (阅读理解。)

  A.Listen and judge.阅读短文,判断句子正(√)误(×)表示。(5分)

  It’s Sunday afternoon. The weather is fine. There is a football match between class 2 and class 4. Many students are watching .They’re excited.

  Now Zhang Peng has the ball. He passes it to Wu Yifan .But Wu Yifan can’t kick the ball. Then John has the ball. He kicks it. The ball flies to Zhang Peng’s arm. Zhang Peng is very angry. The ball files into the goal. How is Zhang Peng feeling now? Guess! He is so happy!

  Hooray! Class 4 won the game. Class2 is very sad.

  ( ) 1. There is a basketball match on Sunday afternoon.

  ( ) 2. Wu Yifan can’t kick the ball.

  ( ) 3. Zhang Peng is happy when the ball flies to his arm.

  ( ) 4.Zhang Peng is happy when the ball flies into the gate.

  ( ) 5. Class 2 is not sad in the end.

  B.Read and write.根据短文,回答问题.(10分)

  Aunt Bear is going to make a big cake. She wants someone to help her. “Hi, Zoom!” says Aunt Bear, “Come and help me make a cake, please.” “Sorry, Aunt Bear. I’m not feeling well today. I have a toothache.” Zoom answers.

  “Zip, can you help me?” “Sorry, I’m not very well. I have a headache.” Zip says.

  “Monkey, what about you?”

  Monkey answers, “No, I have a fever. My throat is sore. I think I have a cold.”

  Aunt Bear has to make the cake by herself. Zoom, Zip and Monkey play happily outside. When they walk back home, they are hungry and tired. Aunt Bear comes out of her house to greet them. “Hello, children. I’m sorry you don’t feel today. You should eat well and go to bed early. Come and share my big cake. Zoom, Zip and Monkey feel their face go red.

  1. What’s Aunt Bear going to do ?

  2. What’s the matter with Zoom?

  3. What’s the matter with Zip?

  4. What’s the matter with Monkey?

  5. Do you think they are ill? If not, why are they telling a lie(撒谎)?

  1. B 2. A 3. A 4..C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B


  F T F T F T

  III .(每小题2分,计10分)

  1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A

  IV .(每个单词1分,计10分)

  1.What’s the matter with you? My throat is sore My nose hurts.

  2.I have a headache.

  3.How does John feel? He is excited.

  4.How are you , Zhang Peng ?You look so happy.



  1.√ 2.X 3.√ 4. X 5. X 6.√


  1. D 2.A 3.H 4.J 5.C 6.E 7.G 8.B 9.I 10.F


  1.B 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A

  8.B 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B 13. A 14.B


  1. What’s 2. feel 3. fever 4. bored 5. is


  A. (每小题1分,计5分)1. √ 2. √ 3.× 4. √ 5. ×

  B. (每小题2分,计10分)

  1. She is going to make a big cake.

  2. Zoom has a toothache.

  3. Zip has a headache.

  4. Monkey has a fever. His throat is sore. He has a cold.

  5. No, they’re not ill. Because they don’t want to help Aunt Bear.

1. 六年级英语升学考试模拟卷及答案

2. 六年级英语升学考试模拟试卷及答案

3. 六年级毕业班英语测试卷及答案

4. 六年级英语升学考试复习练习题及答案

5. 小学六年级英语毕业全真模拟试卷及答案







  1.What’s the ________(几点了),please?

  2.I_________(吃)lunch at twelve o’clock.

  3.May I _________(问)you some questions?

  4.Jim has___________(早餐)at 6 o’clock.

  5.I go to_________(上床睡觉)at 10 o’clock in the evening.


  1.—Sorry.I am___________for class.—It doesn’t matter.

  2.It’s ___________to go home.

  3.I do___________homework at 10 o’clock every evening.

  4.I have lunch__________twelve o’clock.

  5.Mr Smith is m____________to Jenny.


  1.There_________(be)ten people in the classroom.

  2.How many_________(student)are there in your class?

  3.This bag isn’t yours,it is___________(she).

  4.Don’t look at__________(I),look at your book,please.

  5.--_________(who)eraser is this?—It’s hers.


  ( )1.I do_______homework at five o’clock.

  A.I B.my C.me D.we

  ( )2.What time_____you ______school?

  A.do,starts B.do,start C.are,start D.are,starts

  ( )3.—Is _______a notebook on the table?—Yes,there is.

  A.they B.it C.there D.she

  ( )4.Where______my glasses?

  A.be B.am C.is D.are

  ( )5.—What’s the time?—It’s half past four.

  —It’s time______go home.

  A.for B.to C.at D.in

  ( )6.It’s 8:20.I am late_______class.

  A.to B.for C.of D.at

  ( )7.My brother and I get up________seven in the morning.

  A.at B.on C.to D.for

  ( )8.I go to school________.

  A.by a bus B.by an bus C.by bus D.by the bus

  ( )9.—What’s the time?—It’s _________.

  A.half to nine B.half past nine C.at half nine D.nine half

  ( )10.The pandas _______cute.I like_______.

  A.are,he B.is,it C.are,them D.is,them

  ( )11.Let______see.I think(认为)the book is_______.

  A.I,he B.my,his C.me,his D.mine,he

  ( )12.______books aren’t here,these are________.

  A.Their,their B.Their,ours C.They,them D.Theirs,they

  ( )13.Are these apples_______?

  A.yours B.he’s C.we D.my

  ( )14.It’s 12 o’clock now.It’s time to have_______lunch.

  A.a B.an C.the D.\

  ( )15.Would you like to play________us?

  A.to B.and C.about D.with

  ( )16.There_______a panda and ten monkeys in the zoo.

  A.is B.am C.be D.are

  ( )17.I don’t have_______brothers _______sisters.

  A.some,and B.some,or C.any,and D.any,or

  ( )18.--_________my cut cat?—It’s under the chair.

  A.What’s B.How old is C.Where’s D.Where

  ( )19.—Are there any giraffes in the zoo?--________.

  A.Yes,it is B.Yes,it isn’t C.Yes,there are D.Yes,there is

  ( )20.Mary is married________a man.

  A.at B.from C.to D.in


  1.What’s the time?(同意句)

  ________ _________is it?

  2.It’s time to have lunch.(同意句)

  It’s time________ _________.

  3.I go to school by bus.(对画线部分提问)

  ______ ______you go to school?

  4.Are they old bikes?(改为单数形式)

  _______ ______an old________?

  5.This is his football.(对画线部分提问)

  _______ ______is this?

  6.Sally’s brother is in the classroom.( 对画线部分提问)

  _______ ______Sally’s brother?

  7.There are ten books on the desk.( 对画线部分提问)

  _______ _______books are there on the desk?

  8.There are six pictures on the desk.(对画线部分提问)

  _______on the desk?

  9.There are some animals in the zoo.(改为否定句)

  There________ ________animals in the zoo.

  10.My family has eight people.(同意句)

  ______ _______eight people in my family.


  ( )1.What time do you get up? A.No,she isn’t.

  ( )2.What’s this in English? B.It’s my friend.

  ( )3.How are you? C.Yes,I can.

  ( )4.Are these his books? D.Yes,they are.

  ( )5.Where is my dog? E.It’s mine.

  ( )6.Whose sweater is this? F.It’s under the desk.

  ( )7.How do you go to school? G.Fine,thank you.

  ( )8.Who is that? H.Six o’clock.

  ( )9.Is your mother an English teacher? I.By bike.

  ( )10.Can you spell your name,please? J.It’s a bag.


  Kate is 1 English girl.She is fifteen 2 old.There are six people in her family.She has a brother.Her grandparents and parents love 3 very much.

  At school,Kate often helps(帮助)her teacher,Mrs Li,to put 4 books and rulers on the teacher’s desk.They have a new 5 .In it you can 6 30 desks and chairs.A map and a clock(钟表) 7 on the wall.Sally is Kate’s deskmate(同桌).Look!There are two erasers on their desk.One 8 Sally’s. 9 other is Kate’s.Look at the clock.It’s about five o’clock.It’s time 10 go home.

  ( )1.A.a B.an C.the D.\

  ( )2.A.year B.very C.years D.\

  ( )3.A.them B.they C.their D.she

  ( )4.A.my B.his C.your D.her

  ( )5.A.class B.room C.classroom D.grade

  ( )6.A.look at B.look C.see at D.see

  ( )7.A.be B.is C.are D.am

  ( )8.A.two B.am C.is D.are

  ( )9.A.First B.The C.A D,An

  ( )10.A.to B.come C.for D.and



  This is a photo of Mr Black’s family.The man with glasses is Mr Black,the father.The woman is the mother.They have a son(儿子) and a daugher(女儿).The son is behind Mr Black.His name is Jack.He’s 14.Kate is Jack’s sister.She is 12.Jack and Kate are in the same school,but they are in different(不同的) grades.Jack is in Grade Three and Kate’s in Grade One.They are good students.

  ( )1.Mr and Mrs Black have________.

  A.a son and a daugher B.Jack and Kate’s sister

  C.three children D.a family of five

  ( )2.The woman is_______mother.

  A.Kate’s B.Jack’s C.Kate’s and Jack’s D.Kate and Jack’s

  ( )3.Jack and Kate are in the same________.

  A.class B.grade C.school D.year

  ( )4.Black is the ________name.

  A.man’s B.woman’s C.boy’s D.family

  ( )5.Jack and Kate are________.

  A.good children B.good students C.in different schools

  D.in the same grade


  I have a very big and nice bedroom.There is a bed,a desk and a chair in it.On the wall there is a clock,and near the clock there are two maps.One is a map of the world,and the other is a map of China.I like pictures and there are many on the walls.I like football,too.Look!Two footballs are under my desk.I want to play now.But what’s the time?Oh,seven thirty.I must go to school!


  ( )6.I have a very small and nice bedroom.

  ( )7.There isn’t a chair in my room.

  ( )8.There are two maps on the wall.

  ( )9.I can play basketball now.

  ( )10.It’s time to go to school now.


  My name is Carl Black.I am Englishm.My family are in Beijing now.My father and mother are teachers in a university().I am a middle school student here.I have a sister but no brothers.We have a nice house in Beijing.The house has a TV,a computer,two small beds and a big bed.There is a football under my bed.I like playing football,but my sister likes playing computer games().I like our house.I like my parents,too.


  11.How many people are there in Carl’s family?


  12.What’s his family name?


  13.How many sisters and brothers does Carl have?


  14.Do they live in China now?


  15.Does Carl hve a football?



  以“My Day”为题写一篇文章,向大家介绍一下你的一天的生活和学习情况,50-60词。



  一) 单词辨音(5×2分)

  1. A. woof B. choose C. wood

  2. A. shirt B. cleaner C. learn

  3. A. boat B. cabbage C. thumb

  4. A. water B. gas C. bat

  5. A. actor B. cinema C. cloud

  二) 补全单词(5×2分)

  6. acc_____nt A. ou B. uo C. oa

  7. bookst____ A. or B. ore C. ure

  8. c__m__c A. e,I B. o,u C. o,i

  9. str____m A. ae B. ea C. ee

  10. sh_____d A. oul B. ou C. ol


  A 汉译英 B 英译汉

  11.骑自行车_____________ 16. come from___________

  12. 电视台记者____________17. play a violin__________

  13. 摩托车________________18. make kites___________

  14. 露出,出现______________19. get off______________

  15. 醒来__________________ 20. traffic rule___________


  21. I teach lessons. I am a __________________.

  22. I clean streets. I am a ___________________.

  23. I sing songs. I am a ____________________.

  24. Tom dances. He is a ____________________.

  25. Mary writes stories. She is a _____________.


  26.What’s your hobby?

  A. Swiming B. Swimming C. Swim

  27. Does your mother wash clothes?

  A. Yes, she doesn’t B. Yes, he does C. No, she doesn’t

  28. What does Tom do?

  A. Tom goes to school. B. Tom is a boy C. Tom is a teacher

  29. How does he go to school?

  A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot

  30. He likes ________planes. He likes ________,too.

  A. make/swimming B. making / swimming C. making / swim

  31. I don’t have a brother_________sister.

  A. or B. and C. the

  32. He usually plays at the park __________ Sunday.

  A. in B. at C. on

  33. Who is he? He is _________ brother.

  A. mine B. my C. I

  34. she ___________ football everyday.

  A. playing B. play C. plays

  35. Happy birthday!

  A. The same to you B. Thank you C.OK




  六年级期末考试是小学阶段最后的考试,同学们要如何复习好英语呢?我为六年级师生整理了 六年级英语 下册期末考试测试卷及参考答案,希望大家有所收获!


  听 力 部 分(30分)


  ( )1. A. cloudy B. rainy C. sunny D. windy

  ( ) 2. A. packet B. protect C. past D. project

  ( ) 3. newspaper B. paper C. place D. palace

  ( ) 4. A. messy B. miss C. made D. make

  ( ) 5. A. waste B. wait C. wood D. water

  ( ) 6. A. Chinese New Year B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving D. Easter

  ( ) 7.A. project B. topic C. jacket D. subject

  ( )8. A. little B. litter C. let D. toilet

  ( ) 9. A. skin B. sky C. slip D. skate

  ( )10. A.spell B. smell C. still D. skin


  ( )1. A. They go to the cinema . B. They are farmers.

  C. They don’t have any lessons today.

  ( ) 2.A. I’m fine . B. It was rainy . C. It is cloudy .

  ( ) 3.A. I visited my grandpa. B. I went to Guangzhou . C. I’m in the park.

  ( ) 4. A. Drive so much . B. Don’t drive so much . C. Eat so much.

  ( ) 5.A. Last week . B. Yesterday C. Next week.

  三、听录音,根据所听短文判断正(T)误( F ),读两遍(5分)

  ( )1.Liu Tao and Mike went to the park .

  ( )2. Liu Tao and Mike watched an interesting film .

  ( )3. Liu Tao and Mike didn’t like the film .

  ( )4. Liu Tao and Mike talked loudly.

  ( )5. Liu Tao and Mike were very angry .


  Our city __________ messy and dirty ________ of the _______ and rubbish. To keep the city _________ ,we should do our best . We can take the bus or ________ to school every day .

  There is not much ______ or _____ on Earth .We should _______ ________ .We use _________ to make bags and bottles .

  笔 试 部 分 (70分)


  ( )1. dear wear ( )2. sea weather ( )3.paper teacher

  ( ) 4. skirt birthday ( )5. cool food

  六、英汉 短语 互译。(10分)

  1.浪费水__________________ 2. 给他的朋友们写信___________________

  3.观看舞狮表演_________________4.take your juice into the cinema_________________

  5.妈妈的手机 ___________________ 6.make a poster _______________

  7.在一家购物中心_________________ 8.on a sunny day ________________

  9.许多工厂________________ 10.these pictures of our city___________________


  1.catch(过去式)_______ 2.real (副词)________

  3.foolish ( 反义词 )_________ 4.cloudy (名词)_________

  5.were (原形)_________ 6.bring (过去式)_________

  7.Mike (名词所有格)_____________ 8.we (宾格)_______

  9.much ( 近义词 )___________ 10.hear (同音词)__________


  ( )1. You can’t take ________ into the classroom.

  A. the book B.the schoolbag C. the dog

  ( ) 2.My father is a cook . He works in the __________ .

  A. restaurant B. hospital C. Museum

  ( ) 3.Let me ______ some bananas _______ the trees.

  A. draw; in B.draw ;on C. to draw ;on

  ( ) 4.It ________Children’s Day next Monday.

  A. is going to B. is going to be C. was

  ( ) 5.I’m very happy to get an e-mail ______ my e-friend.

  A.to B. from C. with

  ( )6. I think Jim and you will _______ good friends .

  A.are B.is C. be

  ( )7.When do we often _______ ? In spring .

  A.plant trees B. make snowmen C. swim

  ( ) 8.Look!There’s a big stone in the middle of the road .Let’s _______ .

  A. move away it . B.move it away C. moves away it

  ( ) 9.When is National Day ? It’s on _________.

  A. June 1st B October 1st C. September 1st

  ( ) 10.We ________ a parrot show in the school this afternoon and it was very interesting .

  A. looked at B. watched C. saw


  1. The boy behind me is _________ (write ) a letter.

  2. Would you like _________ (listen ) to some music ?

  3. Look , he can ________ (fly ) a kite on the grasss.

  4. _________ your cousin always like _______ (ask ) a lot about Maths?

  5. My brother often ________ (play ) football at the weekend.

  6. The students are very ______ (excite ).

  7. I _______ (finish) primary school next year.

  8. Her aunt ________ (give) a red packet to her yesterday.

  9. Rubbish _________(make ) the water dirty .

  十、根据汉语提示,完成下列 句子 。(10分)


  We use _______ to make beds, chairs and many _______ things.


  The children are ________ _______ in the library .Please don’t _______.


  Helen _______ dance when she ______ six years old.

  4.你能用“鸡蛋” 造句 吗? 是的,我昨天吃了一个。

  Can you _______ “egg” to make a sentence ? Yes . I __¬¬____ an egg yesterday .


  Sometimes my father _______ (not have ) lunch at home .


  1. Ben saw some public signs in the restaurant . (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ Ben _______ _______ public signs in the restaurant?

  2. She had an Art lesson this morning .( 用tomorrow morning 改写句子)

  She is ______ _______ _____ an Art lesson tomorrow morning .

  3. Where did you visit ? (改为同义句)

  _______ _______ did you visit ?

  4. I was in the playground just now .(改为一般疑问句 )

  _______ ______ in the playground just now ?

  5.Liu Tao visited his uncle last week .(对划线部分提问)

  _______ _______ Liu Tao ______ last week ?


  In the USA it is warm and beautiful in summer .The trees and fields are green then . But now it is winter and ______ is white . At _______ there are different colours .Small lights make the houses and buildings nice .Christmas is a beautiful ______ of a year . Christmas Day always begins before _________. Children wake up very early .They open the ______ from their parents . Then they wake up their parents ,saying “Merry Christmas ”.

  ( ) 1.A. everything B. nothing C. anything

  ( ) 2.A. evening B. night C. morning

  ( ) 3.A. time’s B.. times’ C. time

  ( ) 4.A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper

  ( ) 5.A. doors B.presents C. windows


  Many Chinese people have a good time during (在……期间) the Chinese New Year .It usually comes in January or February .Each year gets a name . It may be called the year of the Dog or the year of the Monkey instead of (代替) 1970 and 1980.

  Usually there is dragon (龙) dance in the street .The dragon is a strange (奇怪的) animal about 20 feet (英尺) long .It is made of paper and cloth .Men hide (藏) under the dragon , and make a lot of noise by shouting and laughing .There are always a lot of fireworks (烟火) .

  After the dragon dance , the children sing and dance in the street .

  根据短文内容判断正( T )误( F )

  ( ) 1.The Chinese New Year usually comes in October .

  ( ) 2.The Chinese people call 2012 the year of the dragon .

  ( ) 3.The dragon was made of paper and fruit .

  ( ) 4.The dragon dance needs a lot of animals .

  ( ) 5.After the dragon dance ,the children sing and dance .


  新年要来了。在新年 除夕 ,我们将与家人共进晚餐,在新年那天,我们将会收到礼物,在新年第二天,我们将在晚上看烟火。

  Chinese New Year ____________ .On Chinese New Year’s Eve , we’re going to have ________ with my _______ . On Chinese New Year’s Day ,we’re going to receive presents .On the _______ day of Chinese New Year , we’re going to watch ________ in the evening .

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  一、 听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5☆)

  ( ) 1. A. younger B. stronger C. longer D. thinner

  ( ) 2. A.牙疼 B. 头疼 C. 喉咙疼 D. 感冒

  ( ) 3. A. skiing B. skating C. sick D. swimming

  ( ) 4. A. 生气的 B. 兴奋的 C.疲劳的 D. 无聊的

  ( ) 5. A. eat B. ate C. get D. feet


  ( ) 1.Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins.

  ( ) 2.Mike took pictures on his holiday.

  ( ) 3.Sarah is 10 cm shorter than Mike.

  ( ) 4.Sarah likes climbing.

  ( ) 5.Amy is from America.

  五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5☆)

  ( )1. A. I’m 40kg. B. I’m 154cm. C. I’m 12.

  ( )2. A. She’s fine. B. He has a cold. C. He feels happy.

  ( )3. A. I cleaned the room. B. I clean the room. C. I am cleaning the room.

  ( )4. A. I’m going to Hong Kong. B. I’m going there by plane.

  C. I’m going to buy a book.

  ( )5.A.I went to Hainan. B.I will go to Hainan. C. I want to go to Hainan .


  1 . Amy is taller and _________ than Sarah .

  2 . John is sick. His throat is __________ .

  3 . Zhang Peng _______ English book at home last weekend.

  4 . Did you ________ the room last weekend?

  5 . He _______ ____________on his holiday. .

  七、 听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5☆)

  ( )1. A..我的胳膊比你的长



  ( )2. A.如果你病了不用急着去看医生



  ( )3.A.. 妈妈打算给我买条新裙子我很高兴。



  ( )4.A..在上午吴一帆打扫了他的房间,踢了足球



  ( )5.A..在星期三,我们打算去唱歌吃美食。




  Liuyun: Wuyifan ,You look so happy today !

  Wuyifan : Yes ,I have a good time on my holiday.

  Liuyun: ___________________________on your holiday ?

  Wuyifan : I went to Heilongjiang

  Liuyun: ___________________________there?\

  Wuyifan : I went by train.

  Liuyun: What did you do there ?

  Wuyifan: I _____________________ and _____________________.

  Liuyun: ______________________

  Liuyun: I go with my parents.

  Wuyifan: It seams very nice.

  笔试部分 (60%)


  ( )1. A pain B baby C tail D banana

  ( )2. A coat B know C boat D look

  ( )3. A pear B hair C chair D ear

  ( )4. A work B actor C mirror D doctor

  ( )5. A minute B hungry C must D thus


  1 heavy________(比较级)

  2. big_________(比较级)

  3 have__________(第三人称单数)

  4. bought________(原形)


  十一、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答案)(5☆)

  ( )1.---Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him.

  ---How tall is Ted?

  A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm

  ( )2、My throat __________ sore, my nose __________.

  A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is hurts

  ( )3.----_______did you go on your holiday?


  A. What B. Where C. How

  ( )4. We _______ books last night.

  A. read B. reads C . readed

  ( )5、Did you went swimming last weekend?

  A Yes ,I didn’t B No ,I didn’t C No ,I did

  十二、根据句意,用单词的适当形式填空 :(5☆)

  1. He is ________(young) and stronger than me .

  2. I ________(buy ) presents on my holiday .

  3. What _______ (do) you do last weekend ?

  4. She ______ (see) the elephants last Monday .

  5. Sarah ______(feel) sad, because she failed her math test.

  十四、Make sentences. 连词成句(5☆)

  1、you, much, am, than, I ,stronger。


  2、 matter, with ,your ,what’s ,the ,sister?


  3、 did, last, read, you, weekend, books


  4、my, I, holiday, elephants, saw, on


  5、the do you what on weekend do usually?



  I have a good friend。 Her name is Lily .I am 158cm ,she is 160 cm tall She is than me .But she is only 13 years old, and I’m 14 years old . She is than me . She collecting stamps . We often play together . last weekend, we hiking and _____pictures .we had a good time .


  Zip: Hey, Zoom. _________________________?

  Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend.

  Zip: ______________________________?

  Zoom: Yes, I was sick.

  Zip: ______________________________?

  Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore.

  Zip: You should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.

  Zoom: You are right. ________________________________?

  Zip: That’s a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon.

  Zoom: _______________________.

  Zip: Sure! Let’s go together.


  Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui.

  What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Because she told me “ I haven’t got a lovely doll.” When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Daming park, but it was later, we had to go home. We had a good time on that day.

  ( )1. Xiaohui is taller than me.

  ( )2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui.

  ( )3. We went to a shop last month.

  ( )4. They had a good time on Xiaohui’s birthday.

  ( )5. We rowed a boat in the park.


  I am Sandy. Tomorrow is Saturday. I am going to the Tai Mountains with my good friends. We are going to meet

  at 6:00 in the morning. The mountains are far from our home. We are going by bike. We are going to have a

  picnic there. Amy my little sister likes flowers. So I’m going to pick some beautiful flowers for her. The

  mountains are very beautiful, I take my camera, and I’m going to take some pictures there.

  1. What is Sandy going to do on Saturday?


  2. When is Sandy going to meet with his friends?


  3. Are the mountains near Sandy’s home?


  4. Who is Amy? What does she like?


  5. What is Sandy going to do on the mountain?



  1、What’s your hobby? ___________________________________________ .

  2、what are you going to do next weekend?__________________________________________

  3、How old are you and how tall are you? ____________________________________________

  4、How do you go to school? ____________________________________________

  5、What did you do last weekend? ___________________________________________ .




  Keys: D D A B B


  Keys: 1. √ 2. √3. √4. ×5. √

  五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5☆)

  Keys: C C A B B


  Keys:1、Thinner 2、Sore 3、Read 4、 cleaned

  5、visited his grandparesents

  七、 听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5☆)

  Keys: 1. A 2 B. 3.A. 4. B. 5. C.



  1、Where did you go

  2、How did you go

  3、went skiing

  4、visited my uncle

  5、Who did you go with




  1. D banana

  2. D look

  3. D ear

  4. A work

  5. A minute 、



  1 heavier

  2. bigger

  3. has

  4. buy

  5. was

  十一、Read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答案)














  十四、Make sentences. 连词成句(5☆)


  1. I am much stronger than You。

  2.What’s the matter with your sister?

  3. Did you read books last weekend?

  4. I saw elephants on my holiday .

  5、What do you usually do on the weekend?
















  Keys: T 、 T 、F 、T 、F



  1、She is going to the Tai Mountains with her good friends

  2、They are going to meet at 6:00 in the morning

  3、NO ,They are far.

  4、Amy is Sandy’s little sister and she likes flowers.

  5、she is going to take some pictures there.



  1、I like collecting stamps\swimming \running…

  2、I am going to buy a book \take a trip….

  3、I am 160 cm talland 45kg heavy.

  4、I go to school on foot\by bike \by bus…

  5、I rowed a bouat\bought presents\....




1. 小学六年级英语试卷

2. 2016年小学六年级英语模拟试卷及答案

3. 小学六年级英语毕业考试试题

4. 小学六年级英语期末考试卷

5. 六年级英语小升初复习试卷及答案




六年级英语Unit1-5测试卷 2009年4月
姓名__________ 班级___________ 得分_____________
( )1.A. litter B. little C. late
( )2.A. happy B. hobby C. hope
( )3.A. No.16 B. No.60 C. No.6
( )4.A. history museum B. history teacher C. history lesson
( )5.A. how many sports B. how many stops C. how many shops
( )1AMike does . B. Ben is . C. Yes, Ben is .
( )2ANo, let’s go . B. No, we can’t . C. Good idea .
( )3ANanjing is beautiful. B. Yes, Shanghai is . C. Shanghai is .
( )4AIt’s Sunday . B. It’s sunny . C. I like summer .
( )5AIt’s on the left . B. It’s on Zhongshan Road. C. It’s about three kilomrtres away .
( ) 1. Helen is good at English .
( ) 2. Some of the boys are in the playground .
( ) 3. The museum is on the right .
( ) 4. Jim doesn’t run as fast as Jack .
( ) 5. It’s windy today .
( )1. Miss Li went for a walk in the park last Sunday morning .
( )2. Helen is good at Maths ,but Liu Tao isn’t .
( )3. An old woman is asking a man how to get to the post office .
( )4. Yang Ling is looking for her purse , but she can’t find it .
( )5. A farmer is talking to a policman ,he wants to go to the history museum .
In spring , the weather _______ ________ and the days get _______ . The trees are ______ . We often go ______ in the park .
1、每隔两星期____________________ 6. have a lot of fun ______________________
2、去散步 _______________________ 7. some warmer clothes__________________
3、和……一样低__________________ 8. the only child ________________________
4、跑出书店______________________ 9. most of the time ______________________
5、去年冬天______________________ 10. Stop thief ! _________________________
( )1. Would you like to go with me ? A. I’m sorry .
( )2. Thank you very much . B. Yes, I’d like a skirt for my daugher .
( )3. You’re late , Jack . C. OK .
( )4. Can I help you ? D. Yes , I’d love to .
( )5. Don’t be late again . E. That’s ok .
( )1. _______ a lot of rain in sping in the city .
A. There are B. They are C. There is
( )2. Jim _______ well in PE .
A. doesn’t does B. don’t does C. doesn’t do
( )3. ________ bag is heavier , _______ or ________ ?
A. Who’s , yours , her B. Whose , yours , hers C. Whose , yours , her
( )4. ---How old are you ? --- I’m three years ______ than you .
A. bigger B. smaller C. older
( )5. Which season do you like _______ , summer or autumn ?
A. best B. better C. good
( )6. You can ______ bus No.5 to get there .
A. by B. on C. take
( )7. Nancy ______ a pair of shoes , but they’re _______ .
A. has , too small B. has , small too C. have , too small
( )8. _______ the red pens as _______ as the yellow ones ?
A. Are , short B. Are , shorter C. Is , short
( )9. Lily and Lucy are _______ .
A. twins sister B. twin sisters C. twin sister
( )10. _______ gets up _______ , Helen or Yang Ling ?
A. Who , earlyer B. Who’s , earlier C. Who, earlier
( )11.What ______ the weather like yesterday ?
A. is B. was C. does
( )12. The bus is coming . Let’s ________ .
A. put on B. get off C. get on
( )13. ---Where is the cinema ? --- ____________.
A. You can take a bus . B. It’s not far from here . C. It’s on Xihu Road .
( )14. Su Hai dances as ______ as Nancy .
A. good B. better C. well
( )15. Liu Jun is very _______, he is good at the _____________ .
A. tall , high jump B. taller , jump high C. high , high jump
( )16. ---Does the girl ______ Australia ?
---Yes , I met her ______ Shanghai Street this morning .
A. come from , in B. is from , on C. is from , in
1. He can ________ ( run ) fast , he ___________ ( run ) .
2. They ________ ( sit ) down and _________ ( have ) a chat just now .
3. There are ________ ( five ) stops from here to the library . Don’t forget to get off at the _______ ( five ) stop .
4. It’s _________ ( rain ) now , and it often _________ ( rain ) in the season .
1. I hope ______ see you .
2. My father is going to work in Nanjing _______ two years .
3. She is talking _______ her dad ________ it .
4. Do more exercise ________ you go to school .
5. Liu Tao often play baskerball _______ weekends .
1. and , pick apples , People , go to farms , like to ( . )
2. six centimetres , than you , Su Yang , taller , Is ( ? )
3. show me , to , Can you , the shopping centre , the way ( ? )
4. Suddenly , a short man , saw , I , behind me ( . )
七、根据上下文, 完成短文。(11分)
1. ---Look , Gao Shan and David are _______ the _______ _________ (跳远) now .
---_______ Gao Shan jump _________ than David ?
---I think he can .
---Look, Gao Shan jumped ________ than David .
2. --- ______ you _______ spring ?
---Sure . Spring is my favourite season .
--- _______ ?
---Because I can _______ _________ (放风筝) .
Mary is a little fatter than she wants to be . She 1 to lose some weight(减肥). So she is on diet (节食). She tries (试着)not to eat too much . She eats very few sweets 2 it will make her 3 . She does exercise every 4 . She swims very often ,and she runs about two kilometres a day .Now she is very happy because she is thinner than before .
( )1. A. wants B. thinks C. asks
( )2. A. when B. why C. because
( )3. A. hungry B. fat C. tired
( )4. A. day B. week C. month
( )1. Mary is very fat before .
( )2. Mary is on diet ,she eats very few sweets .
( )3. She swims about two kilometres away .
( )4. Now she is thinner ,she’s very happy .
六年级英语Unit1-5测试卷 2009年4月
( B )1.A. litter B. little C. late
( B )2.A. happy B. hobby C. hope
( A )3.A. No.16 B. No.60 C. No.6
( C )4.A. history museum B. history teacher C. history lesson
( A )5.A. how many sports B. how many stops C. how many shops
( A )1. Who does well in Maths in your class ?
( C )2. Shall we go to the History Museum , Mum ?
( C )3. Which city is bigger ,Shanghai or Nanjing ?
( B )4. What’s the weather like today ?
( C )5. How far is the Bank of China from here ?
( √ ) 1. Helen does well in English .
( × ) 2. All of the boys are in the playground .
( × ) 3. The museum is on the left .
( √ ) 4. Jim runs slower than Jack .
( × ) 5. It’s sunny today .
1. Helen is better at Maths than Liu Tao .
2. Miss Li took a walk in the park last Sunday morning .
3. An old woman is asking a man , she wants to go to the post office .
4. A farmer is asking a policeman how to get to the history museum .
5. Yang Ling can’t find her purse .答案:2 1 3 5 4
In spring , the weather gets warmer and the days get longer . The trees are green . We often go rowing in the park .
一、1. every two weeks 6、玩得高兴
2. go for a walk 7、一些更暖和的衣服
3. as low as 8、独生子
4. run out of the bookshop 9、大部分时间
5. last winter 10、捉小偷!
二、D E A B C
三、1~5 C C B C B 6~10 C A A B C
11~16 B C C C A A
四、1. run ,is running 2. sat , had 3. five , fifth 4. raining , rains
五、1. to 2.for 3. to about 4. before 5. at
六、1. People like to go to farms and pick apples .
2. Is Su Yang six centimetres taller than you ?
3. Can you show me the way to the shopping centre ?
4. Suddenly I saw a short man behind me .
七、1.doing long jump Can farther 2. Do like Why fly kites
八、(一)A C B A (二) F T F T



